Well, i have many, but i would say something like Vandread, it is rather old (2001 production) but the visuals are simply breathtaking for such an old anime, give it a look, it is really awesome!
Age 32, Male
Joined on 3/1/12
Well, i have many, but i would say something like Vandread, it is rather old (2001 production) but the visuals are simply breathtaking for such an old anime, give it a look, it is really awesome!
I'll give it a watch 100%
I am a mixed type, cause i like both of them. Just leave the DC from me, I don't like it. But my favourite anime is Inuyasha. It's a little bit old, but very good.
I love inuyasha! :D It's awesome!
I love most My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and from anime hmm i do like Bleach, Naruto Shippuden, Black Rock Shooter (its realy cool anime but it is realy hard to understand :D) then i do realy like Death Note then Watamote (its about a girl that wants to get popular give it a look its realy funny :D) then there is a anime i realy like its name is Free its about a few guys that are swiming :D you need to look at that anime its cool :D and my favorite anime is i gues Naruto Shippuden/Bleach i realy cant Decide here its too hard for me :D( by the way what do you like/watch from the cartoons and anime? btw i am realy curious about the project that you are making with your GF cant wait to play it :DD (yea and keep it up! :D)
I've watched everything you've listed there (except black rock shooter) and I love all of them :D Have to say Watamote was something unique and different and really funny! (love the ending song). If I had to choose my favorite I'd have to say. One Piece, DeathNote (I've cosplayed L before), Full metal Panic, School Rumble,Chobits, Kill me baby, Another and a lot more, but these are some of my favorite animes (I tried listing one of every genre). From cartoons I basically love everything from the 90s and a bit after. From the new cartoons I like watching; The regular show, My little pony, Adventure time and a few more but I can't really remember right now ^^'... We're still working on chapter 4 sadly. The animation and drawing is taking much longer than we had anticipated, but we'll be done sone hopefully.
well I love anime a lot but most of it is old school and some what old and most of the newer stuff is ok. there is some cartoons I like too. first is anime. demon city Shinjuku it is very bloody. GiaKing and Tekkamen blade are really old classic mecha anime that I love.
I have all ways like this series Tenchi it is always fun to watch. Dragon ball. Tri gun is just funny
and cool and here is the last one Those who hunt Elfs it is very funny. ok on to the cartoons.
Johnny Bravo is funny. any of the DC or Marvel worlds but there are certain characters I like more then others. some of the kiddy shows are funny too like fairly odd parents and sponge bob square pants. That all I have to say or would like say for now.
Wow, you weren't kidding about the oldschool :D from your list I've only watched Dragon ball. I don't usually watch horror anime, only comedy XD I feel really bad when characters die. I don't watch mecha either. Not sure why... The only mecha I've watched is Full metal panic. (but if you've seen it you'd guess it's only becuase its just really romantic and fun XD . I'm currently trying to watch Helsin so far it's pretty fun. Your cartoon list though I've watch all of them and love all of them.
You and I are alike in that regard. I'm in too many fandoms. to list some off the top of my head...Pokemon, yugioh, mario, zelda, too many anime's including Space Dandy, Dgray, Naruto, bleach, not an anime but mother f***ing Batman-I'm gonna stop right there because I don't have enough character space to list all my fandoms but thank you for asking.
Start brofisting your monitor dude, cause you just got brofisted... (and all the homos!)
anime I have three sorry :3 Snk FMA and CG, cartoons? don't really watch em
I know SnK and FMA ^^ but what does CG stand for? How old are you?
well i like Hellsing been watching it it's really good and i also love that "kid show" avatar the last air bender and legend of Korra (LOK and ATLA are the same series if you din't know) it's amazing and they have a special place in my heart (LOK and ATLA in mean) they have many great jokes and they are really funny and i'm really exited to know how long will LOK last currently the are making 4th season. I'm not watching any cartoons right now they just aren't my thing never had any nickelodeon or disney channel and my life has been great so i don't need them :D
I'm more of a ATLA guy, LOK has too many romance problems :D I love em both though. I think Korra is hot XD I've watched all eps from ATLA and until 3rd season of LOK
i din't know how to respond to a respond but i do recommend to watch season 3 of LOK the finale is badass Korra uses her avatar state so good and so badass not going to spoil but you should watch it and btw i think shes really hot too oh and there is a small detail of a thing there will be a character that i hope you like in season 4... SPOILERS well i know many people who likes Melonlord ;) XD LONG LIVE THE MELON LORD! and your doing great with the summoners quest keep on doing the good work!
Thanks for warning me about the spoiler but I'm not going to read what you wrote (just in case) :D Like I said I have watched season 3 the only season I have not watched is season 4. I'm planning on watching it tomorrow!
oh i got it all wrong XD sorry XD well that was embarrassing XD good for you! and i might delete that comment now XD
Haha don't worry about it.
Well, I have pretty random likes going from Elfen Lied to Kirby to vampire princess Miyu to Adventure Time to Hellsing to Naruto to Fate stay night to.... . I'm good as long as story is decent. I don't like some of recent Disney works (frozen was good, though). Both anime and cartoons are OK with me, but for some reason i dislike comics (no, it's NOT because I have to read ;) ,books are OK).
P.S. I usually, play games for stories too, so I like that you don't make your game in "boobs=quality" style.
P.P.S I recomed to you Summoner Saga (I found your game when searching for it)
i am mostly an anime fan but i have no problem with cartoons!
give me a few examples of your favorite anime ^^