
Age 32, Male

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Summoner's Quest chapter 9.5 is out!

Posted by Ferdafs - November 23rd, 2016

Hey, finally chapter 9.5 is out!

A few things I'd like to note. I'm starting work on chapter 10, so until I'm done with it, I'll be releasing these filler chapters (9.6 and probably 9.7). My main focus for the next few months is going to be mostly Summoner's Quest. So hopefully I'll be releasing them a bit more regularily now. At least until chapter 10 after which I'll be working on my Overwatch and Jesse projects. It's 9am and I'm sleepy as hell so hopefully I didn't fuck anything up! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the game and good night!


Good job on your games and I'm loving them! Keep goi- *record scratch* Overwatch Project? OVERWATCH STORY? *Prepares self for massive flow of new followers*. PREPARE YOURSELF, OVERWATCH IS COMING!

Anyways, get your sleep in! You deserve it.

Haha yes. OW has been in my radar for a while now. I'm currently in the process of writing the script.

i really appreciate, all the work that's being put in each chapter, they are simply amazing, and i can never wait till another one comes out. i can only say thank you for everything you do, and i hope more come in the future.

Thank you! More will come! XP

Are you still going to finish the Summoner's quest storyline after you finish chapter 10 cause I wanna know how this series ends bro

thank you for all the effort you put into this! is an amazing work i always enjoy playing and i always look forward to the next chapter! keep up the great work! question?? are you going to do the project with ed, edd, and eddy??


Did someone claim I was dead? XD

You make great... Games?... Visual novels?... Chapters?... What ever it is you call it, They are great. You need a larger team to help you make them because they are soo good and I request you release them more frequently without sacrificing quality.
This is one of those great series that everyone likes to discover because they have tons of Chapters to go with and it provides tons of entertainment, but is bittersweet to catch up on, because you want to know everything as it happens, but you hate the wait for the next installment.

Hey, I just wanted to message you a merry Christmas from America, you lovable visual novelist bastard! And to wish you good times with whatever holiday you might celebrate! I appreciate these series you have created and am anxious to see both the new Summoners Quest and Jesse's Big Secret! (I am not going to lie I thought he was a girl before I actually played the game.)

Haha thank you and merry Christmas to you too!

merry christmas!! and happy new year!! any idea when you're adding the next chapters of summoners quest??

Merry Christmas to you too! I dont have a release date but im working on it!

I love your games and I'm always waiting for your next one but please don't burn yourself out :)

Aye Nice job with summoners quest man really good game but please give summoners quest 9.6 and 9.7 i can not wait any longer ;-; PS: Jesse lore was pretty cool congrats

Will there ever be any action between the poro and the summoner?

Ah, a man asking the real questions! But the answer is, I'm not sure yet. I'm still thinking it over.

R.I.P Ferdaf

Died of auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Rest in piece Ferdaf, we will always cherish your work -IatnehStalker Feb 6, 2017

Gather in the comment section to mourn a beloved novelist...


Amen. Haha
Don't worry, my exams are almost over and I'll focus on the games 100% of my time.

Hey Ferdaf, I just read an erotic novel featuring a dream sequence involving Start Trek(and while I know you already have a lot to work on right now and do not expect anything soon), will you consider making a VN parodying Star Trek featuring original characters?

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this but, I have never watched Star Trek.

I know you probably think we're all losing patience but honestly, I vote take longer. While yeah they games are awesome and can't wait for the next, we prefer quality over quantity. Take your time, this includes days of relaxing to get your mind off things. On a day off you might just come up with a new idea as well.

Thank you for your patience. I'm currently working on improving my future content. We might see big changes soon! Such as: playing the games on your phones, longer and more detailed games, better animation and a lot more. Hopefully it's going to be for the best. Scripts for chapter 9.6 and 9.7 are ready and I'm currently drawing all the scenes and animating. I'll post a release date once I'm close to finishing the game. Thank you for your support!

In all honesty... I have only seen some of the movies... But I was more interested in the possibility of you expanding in to the science fiction genre... Plus sexy androids... can't go wrong with the androids.