Hey, finally chapter 9.5 is out!
A few things I'd like to note. I'm starting work on chapter 10, so until I'm done with it, I'll be releasing these filler chapters (9.6 and probably 9.7). My main focus for the next few months is going to be mostly Summoner's Quest. So hopefully I'll be releasing them a bit more regularily now. At least until chapter 10 after which I'll be working on my Overwatch and Jesse projects. It's 9am and I'm sleepy as hell so hopefully I didn't fuck anything up! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the game and good night!
Good job on your games and I'm loving them! Keep goi- *record scratch* Overwatch Project? OVERWATCH STORY? *Prepares self for massive flow of new followers*. PREPARE YOURSELF, OVERWATCH IS COMING!
Anyways, get your sleep in! You deserve it.
Haha yes. OW has been in my radar for a while now. I'm currently in the process of writing the script.